Fun Facts
- A quince tastes like a blend between an apple and a pear.
- The flowers on a quince tree are produced in spring, after their leaves have grown. They are pink or white and have 5 petals.
- Quinces are not eaten fresh, but they are particularly popular for use in jams and jellies.
- Alternatively, quinces are an ideal fruit for poaching, stewing or baking in desserts.
- In the Middle Ages quinces were considered valuable, and often served at important banquets for monarchs and aristocrats.
Where do we come from?
Quinces were first grown in Southern Asia, and whilst they remain a relatively uncommon fruit, they are now grown on all continents in warm and temperate climates. The top three leading growers of quinces are in Asia, namely Turkey, China and Uzbekistan. However, other countries such as Morocco, Iran, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Spain, Serbia and Algeria also grow quinces in large volumes.
Test yourself! Can you locate all of these countries on the map?
I am good for you!
Like all fruits and vegetables, quinces are low in sodium, calories and fats and they are a good source of dietary fibre. But quinces are especially good for you because …
- They contain a lot of vitamin C which is good for your skin, blood and bones.
Challenge …

… Quinces, apples and pears have many similarities and differences – can you spot them all?
Get Creative!
If you cut fruits in half you can use them as a stamp for printing – why don’t you give it ago? Using quinces, apples and pears create a print using different coloured paints and sections of fruit.